Ashford Bobbin Mill

Located on the south bank of the River Wye at (SK182696) is the old Ashford Bobbin Mill. This is accessible heading east on the A6 at Great Shacklow Wood – just prior to Ashford-in-the-Water (see map)

This was formerly a bone mill which created fertiliser, and later a timber mill.

By the side of one building are two external iron waterwheels, the mill lead comes from a nearby weir up-stream.

Also close to the river and adjacent of the mill buildings, is a pumping house and a small waterwheel used in the past for raising water to Sheldon village (half a mile south and 500 feet above the River Wye).

You can walk through the Shacklow Wood to Sheldon.

(Images courtesy of The Roaming Picture Taker/Flickr – 2011)

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